Alhambra in the Media
Gulf Higher Education Conference Examines Post-Covid Trends and Strategies
The Covid-19 pandemic has shown that it is possible to change the form and cut the cost of higher education, speakers at a conference on international higher education in the Gulf region said.
Experts: COVID Won’t Stop Gulf’s International Higher Education
The Alhambra-US Chamber is proud to present the virtual Gulf Higher Education Summit, October 10 & 11, 2021, one of the first major conferences on international higher education and the Gulf Region since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Gulf universities shape the 4th industrial revolution
“GEC is one of the region’s most important conferences,” said Anjum Malik, co-founder of the Alhambra-US Chamber, a US-based educational NGO, adding, “Technological change doesn’t just impact nations and economies, it impacts our daily lives. We have to be prepared.”
The Wall Street Journal
1/11/15: Anjum Malik, Alhambra’s Co-Founder and Managing Partner, was interviewed last week by The Wall Street Journal regarding International Baccalaureate programs.
The New York Times
12/16/13: International Baccalaureate (I.B.) programs have benefits but are not the panacea that some advocates proclaim. Indeed, poorly implemented I.B. programs may be worse than no I.B. at all.
Life & Letters
6/14/13: The Global Initiative for Education and Leadership at The University of Texas at Austin is helping to organize the Gulf Education Conference and Exhibition (GECE) on June 19-20 in London.
Franchise India
2/1/11: Providing customized, educational solutions to meet the academic needs of students is House of Tutors Learning Centers.
The Women’s Islamic Initiative in Spirituality and Equality (WISE)
1/8/10: The attempted bombing of Flight 253 means that America is again examining how best to ensure air safety while upholding our society’s values.