Free COVID Testing: Raising Awareness

September 21, 2021

This blog was written by Ben Biagiotti. Ben is an intern with the Alhambra-US Chamber.

The month of August presented a significant challenge in our nation’s fight against COVID-19. The delta variant, which is more infectious than the original COVID-19 virus, has spread throughout the United States. While states with higher vaccination rates have largely avoided this new wave, states with lower vaccination rates continue to have high hospitalizations and deaths. We must all work together to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and its delta variant, which is why Alhambra-US Chamber partnered this fall with the US federal government to identify local institutions and help them access COVID tests. The problem is still ongoing, but every individual and organization can contribute to its resolution.

Other than vaccinations, testing has been one of the most important ways to help prevent the spread of the virus. Testing determines whether a person has been infected and should be isolated. It also aids in contact tracing efforts. Unfortunately, not every location in the United States has equal access to tests. Many underserved communities do not have the ability to get tests when they need them. Underinsured communities, older populations, and neighborhoods that lack urgent care facilities to administer and receive tests are all at higher risk, thus increasing COVID-19 infection rates in these communities. 

Local governments should make it their priority to ensure these underserved communities receive the resources they need. Initiatives such as RADx Underserved Populations (RADx-UP) program are also doing their part to stop the spread of COVID-19, especially among ethnic and racial minorities and other vulnerable populations that have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic. Testing will not only mitigate the spread of COVID-19, it will also collect important data that will help determine the necessary steps to continue the fight against the disease. The data points collected from COVID tests will assist officials in making informed decisions by providing data on the rate at which the virus is spreading in these communities.

To help with this lack of testing, the federal government has authorized free, self-administered testing kits to be sent via mail. FedEx, UPS, or the USPS all provide free return shipping of tests to the lab. The results will then be delivered to the individual, who can report to their local health clinic. 

Staying informed is essential, which is why Alhambra-US Chamber made an effort to do our part in informing various communities on the importance of getting tested. Alhambra-US Chamber was asked by the federal government to consult various elderly care facilities, homeless shelters, and other places serving vulnerable areas to make sure they are aware of the free kits they may receive. We were also asked to ensure they knew how to ask for, administer, and return the tests. 

In order to raise awareness of free government testing programs, we compiled a list of over 100 contact locations throughout the United States. Many of the places on the list had been visited by our organization’s interns, which made them easier to contact. We gathered all available information about each contact location and conducted a phone banking campaign to inform each one about the federal programs available.

Each location contacted was happy to hear the information provided. A number of them thanked Alhambra-US Chamber for letting them know about the programs that could keep their staff and clients safe for cheaper. The organizations contacted can also now contact other organizations in their community and spread the word about the federal projects, enabling the entire community to be safer. The project concluded in early September, with great success. 

Hopefully, the people who need the most help during this pandemic will receive it. Therefore we should support any and all efforts to ensure underserved communities receive the resources necessary for their health during the pandemic. We should also continue to protect ourselves and prevent the spread of COVID-19 by routinely getting tested if we believe we have been in contact with someone who has been infected.

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