October 10, 2021
7:00-7:05am EDT
Welcome | Eithne Treanor MC
7:10-7:25am EDT
Keynote | H.E. Amr Salama, Secretary General, Association of Arab Universities
7:30-8:25am EDT
Panel: Reimagining Higher Education
The pandemic has changed every aspect of higher education. As we start the new academic year all over the world, is higher education at a crossroads? From institutional responses to COVID-19, to where things stand today, what are the learnings, and do we see any potential long-term trends in a post-pandemic higher education ecosystem? Let us re-imagine education! But we must ask: In what context? What parameters?
Lilac Alsafadi, President, Saudi Electronic University
Riyad Y. Hamzah, President, University of Bahrain
Robert Mauro, Director GLI, Boston College
Milena Rubel, Faculty, Harvard University
Moderator: Duleep Deosthale
8:30-9:25am EDT
Panel: How do we build a post-Covid recruitment strategy?
Institutions can no longer rely on traditional models of student engagement and recruitment - an altered landscape of higher education requires fresh and innovative approaches. Panelists will discuss how to balance social media, tech tools, and platforms. and conventional channels for a balanced approach to recruitment.
Rosalind Raby, Director, California Colleges for International Education
Uttiyo Raychaudhuri, Vice Provost for Internationalization, University of Denver
Ali Shuhaimy, Executive Director of Enrollment Management, American University of Sharjah, UAE
John Wilkerson, Interim Associate Vice President, International Services, Indiana University
Moderator: Mac McClelland, Professor, Hult International Business School
9:30-10:25am EDT
Panel: Post Covid Trends and Academic Programs
As the employment and career landscape changes in the US and globally, will there be a sudden demand in STEM disciplines with an emphasis on all technology-related areas? Will health-related majors take a giant leap forward? What does this mean for the humanities and social sciences? What will educators and institutions need to better prepare students for this altered landscape?
This session will explore real-world trends and their impact on academic programs.
Lourdes Andrade, Director of Diversity and Inclusion, Stanford University
Amina Al Hajri, Director General, OIC
Catherine Hill, Dean of School of Education, American University in Dubai
Moderator: David Lock, Secretary-General, Magna Charta
10:30am-12:00pm EDT
Workshop: Design Thinking Toolkit
Join Stanford d.school coaches for an immersive workshop on the power of empathy, and its relation to the human-centered classroom.
Calvin Mays and Bill Pacheco, Stanford University
October 11, 2021
7:00-7:55am EDT
Panel: New models of mobility: Virtual exchange programs, hybrid learning, and other modalities
The changes in tertiary education over the past decade, and especially due to the pandemic, call for new models of international engagement that go beyond the traditional student and scholar mobility. This session will explore both the feasibility and the effectiveness of these alternative approaches.
Nancy Gleason, Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning, NYU Abu Dhabi
Hugh Martin, Registrar and CAO, British University in Dubai
Phil Noble, Founder, World Class Scholars, Fellow, Harvard University
Moderator: Yusra Mouzughi, President, Royal University for Women Bahrain
8:00-8:55am EDT
Panel: A Global Education for All: Ensuring access and inclusion
Student mobility and access to a global education has always been somewhat of an elite phenomenon. The pandemic has led to greater economic inequality globally, sharpening the divide between those who are able to access such opportunities. Against this backdrop, this panel will address fundamental issues of access and inclusion in global education; cost-effective strategies for internationalizing; while also focusing on the intersections of social justice with higher education opportunities.
Maryam Mohiuddin Ahmed, Founder and Director, Social Innovation Lab
Phil Baty, Chief Knowledge Officer, Times Higher Education
Rebecca Morgenstern Brenner, Faculty, Cornell University
Adel El-Zaim, VP for Research Creation, Partnership, and Internationalization, University of Quebec at Outaouais
Moderator: Rajika Bhandari
9:00-9:55am EDT
Panel: The NEW future and the employment Imperative: Effectively aligning student interest, industry needs, and university programs
What is the value of education in preparing students for the future? How can colleges and universities better prepare students for the workforce? This panel will represent diverse perspectives from academics and industry to address the responsibility of educators and institutions to help students become employable and career-ready.
Liesl Riddle, Vice Dean for Strategy, George Washington School of Business
Matthew Shank, President, Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges, President Emeritus, Marymount University
Abhilasha Singh, Vice President for Academic Affairs, American University in the Emirates
Stephen Harrison-Mirfield, COO, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Moderator: Cameron Mirza
10:00-10:55am EDT
Panel: Leveraging the power of technology for education: Are we there yet?
Within a matter of weeks Covid-19 replaced classroom instruction with virtual learning. As institutions hurriedly adapted and adopted, the verdict is still not out on what works and does not work when it comes to using technology. However, there have been a number of innovations and this has led to creative approaches on how education might look in the future.
This session explores what does this all mean to how learning has taken shape during a period of disruption and how best to leverage technology for the future.
Naser Zaeri, VP, Arab Open University, Kuwait
Shelly Zalis, CEO, The Female Quotient
Kholoud Khateeb, Faculty, Effat University
Amal Bukhari, Faculty, University of Jeddah
Moderator: Orlando Kelm, University of Texas at Austin
11:00-11:25am EDT
Closing Keynote | The Road Ahead for Higher Education
Jamil Salmi, Global Tertiary Education Expert, in an engaging Q&A with Eithne Treanor
11:25-11:30am EDT
Thank You | Eithne Treanor MC
Speaker name - Position/Institution
H.E. Amr Salama - Secretary-General of the Association of Arab Universities
Uttiyo Raychaudhuri - Vice Provost for Internationalization at University of Denver
John Wilkerson, Interim Associate Vice President, International Services at Indiana University
Rosalind Raby, Ph.D. - Director at California Colleges for International Education
Jamil Salmi - International higher education expert and former tertiary head at the World Bank
Orlando Kelm - Director, Portuguese Flagship Program, University of Texas at Austin
Liesl Riddle - Vice Dean for Strategy, George Washington University
Hugh Martin - Registrar & Chief Administrative Officer, The British University in Dubai
Ali Shuhaimy - Executive Director of Enrollment Management at American University of Sharjah, UAE
Nancy Gleason - Director, Hilary Ballon Center for Teaching and Learning, NYU Abu Dhabi
Maryam Mohiuddin Ahmed - Founder and Director, Social Innovation Lab
Catherine Hill - Dean of School of Education, American University in Dubai
Stephen Harrison-Mirfield - COO, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Phil Noble - Founder, World Class Scholars, Fellow, Harvard University